世界贸易组织和共济会 _4.世界政经_蓝星新时代网
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发布时间:2011/11/13  阅读次数:30869  字体大小: 【】 【】【




                                           作者: Rose


摘译自David Icke的《Major Protests Planned
In DC Against Illuminati Agenda》


The World Trade Organisation is an Illuminati creation to make it impossible for a nation state to control its own economy and to decide what it produces within its own borders and what it imports from outside.Countries now face enormous fines and sanctions if they stop "free trade" through their borders. Free trade in these terms means to give the transnational corporations and major industrial countries the right to dump their products anywhere they like and, in doing so, destroy the local businesses and economies of their targeted nations.




This has been particularly devastating in so-called Third World countries, but the industrial nations of the north are also being seriously affected by this in the destruction of local businesses, industries, and job opportunities. That's the idea. To make all countries and their people dependent on, and subservient to, the global system which the Illuminati not only controls, but actually created. The first two heads of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) have been members of the Bilderberg Group and the first, Peter D. Sutherland, of Ireland, now head of British Petroleum (BP), is a major Illuminati operator.


这对于所谓的第三世界国家特别具有破坏性。但是北方的工业国家也受到严重影响,自由贸易摧毁了当地的商业、工业,毁掉了工作机会。对了,  就是这个意思!

让所有的国家和他们的人民依赖并顺从环球体系,光明会不仅控制着这种体系,而且事实上创造了这种体系。世界贸易组织最初的两个领导人是比尔德伯格俱乐部的成员。第一个是爱尔兰的Peter D. Sutherland,他现在是英国石油公司 (BP,The British Petroleum Company)的领导人,他是一个主要的光明会操纵者。


The World Bank and the IMF are two masks on the same Illuminati face which interconnect with the World Trade Organisation to form a global network of trade, business, and financial control which is allowing the economies of nations to be manipulated and dictated by a few people at the peak of the global pyramid. The three organisations - and many others - are inseparable. They are the same people under different disguises.













作者: Rose



以下内容摘自大卫.艾克 (David Icke)的《矩阵之子》(Children of the Matrix   



  This is a highly efficient way of pumping mind-suppressing drugs and immune system destroyers into billions of people while they think you are trying to help them.   Whole generations of children worldwide are contaminated in this way every year, while the figures show that the claims made for the benefits of vaccination are utter baloney.   Dr Guylaine Lanctot exposes the reality of vaccinations in her book, The Medical Mafia.   She says that repeated vaccination exhausts the immune system and opens people to all sorts of diseases that the body's defenses would normally repel.  


将抑制精神的毒品和免疫系统的破坏者注入到几十亿人的身体中,而他们还认为你正试图帮助他们,这(注射疫苗)是一种高效的方法。全世界整整几代儿童每年都通过这种方式受到感染。同时,数据显示,声称疫苗接种获得的种种好处完全是胡说八道。Guylaine Lanctot 博士在她的书《医学黑手党》(The Medical Mafia)中揭露了疫苗接种的真相。她称,反复接种疫苗会使免疫系统衰竭,并使人们容易得各种各样的疾病,而身体的防御系统通常会击退这些疾病。  

Millions of children in " Third World " countries were still dying from measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, etc., despite being fully vaccinated.  




The consequences of vaccines for health, both short and long term, are appalling.   But they serve the Illuminati perfectly in both the health and mental effects for the population they wish to control and the profits they accumulate.   Again, think pyramid.   Those at the top, the Anunnaki bloodlines, created and control the World Health Organization at the United Nations.     This supports, in its own statements, the agenda of the Illuminati and their drug companies.The World Health Organization announces there is going to be an epidemic of something or other and the Illuminati agents in government start a mass vaccination against this alleged "danger" via the medical profession.   The Illuminati drug companies then sell them the vaccines.   This happened with measles vaccinations in the   U.K.   in the 1990s. The mass vaccination programs in the " Third World " are funded and administered through the Illuminati's World Bank, World Heath Organization, and other U.N. agencies. This allows them to target certain peoples in their campaign of genocide.    


无论从短期还是长期来看,疫苗对健康的影响都是可怕的。但是这些疫苗对共济会希望控制的人口在健康上和精神上产生的影响,以及他们积累的利润,都完全符合共济会精英的利益。再想想金字塔。居于顶部的阿努那奇(Anunnaki)血统的那些人建立并控制了联合国的世界卫生组织。这有助于共济会的日程表和他们的制药公司。   世界卫生组织宣布将有某种传染病发生,共济会在政府的代理人就开始通过医疗界进行大规模的疫苗接种来抗击所声称的“危险”。然后共济会精英的制药公司就把疫苗卖给政府。20世纪90年代的英国,这种情况就发生在麻疹的疫苗接种上。第三世界国家里的大规模疫苗接种计划受到共济会控制的世界银行、世界卫生组织、和其他的联合国机构的资助,并由这些组织提供接种。这使得共济会精英在他们种族灭绝的行动中可以把某些民族作为目标。    


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